Polygon Reveals ‘Type-1’ Upgrade and Says It Will Revolutionize EVM Chains Using Zero-Knowledge Proofs

The “Type-1 prover,” Polygon Labs’ most recent invention, has been released. This update may usher in a new age for chains compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, allowing zero-knowledge proofs to be generated and guaranteeing a sharp decline in transaction costs.

‘Type-1’Proverby Polygon to Strengthen Ethereum’s Ecosystem

First released is the Type-1 zkevm prover update from Polygon Labs. This next-generation prover, created in partnership with Toposware, can provide zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs for any chain that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), including sidechains, optimistic rollups, and Ethereum itself. With the update, transaction costs should drop significantly to an average of $0.002-$0.003.

The Type-1 prover, now open-source and accessible as of Thursday, aligns closely with Ethereum’s execution logic. This alignment ensures that EVM chains can transition to ZK Layer two networks without any need for forks or modifications, thus preserving the original Ethereum experience.

As per Polygon Labs, this development is a component of their wider strategy, which centers on interconnection and the assimilation of ZK cryptography into their ecosystem, as outlined in the Polygon 2.0 roadmap. With the release, EVM chains will be able to easily transition to ZK and take advantage of shared state, liquidity, and user base, which is expected to strengthen the Polygon ecosystem.

The Type-1 prover and Polygon’s Aggregation layer work together to make Ethereum’s vast liquidity and value more accessible. With full Ethereum equivalency, the Type-2 prover that was previously in use is no longer available thanks to this change.

Prominent blockchain initiatives including Canto Public, Manta Network, and Immutable Zkevm have already made plans to integrate the Type-1 prover into their architectures.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has taken notice of Polygon’s initiative and stressed the significance of these technologies in reaching parity with Layer 1 blockchains.

The release can be obtained for free under the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.for instant use. The blockchain community is anticipated to embrace ZK proofs more as a result of this endeavor, which provides a scalable and affordable solution for Ethereum compatibility and beyond.

Do you believe that many chains that are compatible with EVM will use this Type-1 prover? Please feel free to express your ideas and opinions in the space provided for comments below.

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