Playdapp Breach: Hacker Mints $31 Million in Tokens, Offering Reward for Quiet Play

The Web3 gaming platform Playdapp has revealed that it was the target of a hacking attack in which hackers took advantage of the system to generate tokens valued at about $31 million. According to Playdapp, if the hackers consent to returning the contracts and assets they took, they will receive a reward.

Exchanges for Cryptocurrency Wanted to Ban Compromised PLA Tokens

Web3 gaming platform Playdapp announced on February 9 that hackers had compromised its PLA token contract, and that they had since distributed more tokens. Playdapp claimed it has taken a number of precautions, including asking its exchange partners to halt trade of the tokens, in an advisory sent out via X (previously Twitter).

According to Cyvers Alerts, the security company that first discovered the hack, the hackers created 200 million PLA tokens, which are worth $31 million. Cyvers Alerts verified that the tokens were later sent to many addresses in an alert that was released that same day. But the company also stated that at that point, no asset swap had taken place.

Playdapp Offers the Hacker a Reward

Playdapp notified its users of an offer made to the hackers in an update subsequent to verifying the intrusion. The offer suggested payment in exchange for all contracts and stolen property being returned. The Web3 gaming site, Playdapp, threatened to disclose the event to law enforcement authorities if the hackers rejected this offer.

“We will collaborate with the FBI and other law enforcement organizations to swiftly hunt out the hacker if we decline this offer. We will also publicly announce a bounty and ask a WEB3 security provider for help,” Playdapp added.

The Web3 gaming platform announced that it has moved all PLA held by Playdapp to a “new, secure wallet” and requested that cryptocurrency exchanges ban the pilfered digital assets. According to Playdapp, both locked and unlocked holdings were affected by this action.

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