Spanish Court Upholds Worldcoin Activities’ Decision to Stop by Privacy Watchdog

Spanish Court Upholds Worldcoin Activities' Decision to Stop by Privacy Watchdog

The actions initiated against Worldcoin by the AEPD, the nation’s private data watchdog, have been upheld by the Audiencia Nacional (National Hearing), a special institution in Spain. The general interest in safeguarding people’s data must take precedence over the business’s financial interest, the court ruled. Spanish Audiencia Continues to Put Worldcoin Activities on Hold The … Read more

Spain has given Worldcoin the order to cease operations.

Spain has given Worldcoin the order to cease operations.

The biometric identity project, Worldcoin, has been prohibited from functioning in Spain for a maximum of three months, as per a press statement issued by the AEPD, the Spanish data agency. Using the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a foundation, the agency will also mandate that Worldcoin cease using the data that has … Read more