The founder of Skybridge claims that it is “still very early” to purchase bitcoin and views it as the next Berkshire Hathaway.

Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of Skybridge Capital, has maintained that purchasing bitcoin is “still very very early.” Referring to cryptocurrencies as the “Berkshire Hathaway of the 21st century,” he compared them to Warren Buffett’s business. It was never “too late,” in his opinion, to purchase Berkshire stock. For bitcoin, it is still very, very early.

“Bitcoin Is the 21st Century’s Berkshire Hathaway”
Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of Skybridge Capital, has reaffirmed his optimistic outlook on

bitcoin, adamant that purchasing the cryptocurrency at the current price is still possible.

He said on X Saturday that “Bitcoin is the Berkshire Hathaway of the 21st century—a compounding, wealth-generating machine for investors,” highlighting:

Purchasing Berkshire stock was never “too late.” For bitcoin, it’s still extremely early in the game.

Ever since Skybridge opened a bitcoin investment in 2020, Scaramucci has been pushing investors to purchase bitcoin. At the time, he declared, “We believe bitcoin is in its early innings as an exciting new asset class.”

He also stated earlier this month that he still thinks bitcoin is a solid investment and that it’s not too late to acquire BTC: “With bitcoin back over $50K, average investor again wondering: ‘Did I miss buying opportunity?'” The hard answer is “no.” The creator of Skybridge also expressed his anticipation for an impending “face-ripping rally.”

Scaramucci tweeted on X Sunday, anticipating a significant influx of capital from Wall Street into spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs): “The flows to bitcoin are going to accelerate.” As of this writing, the price of Bitcoin is $68,293.

The creator of Skybridge Capital forecast in January that if bitcoin is priced at $45,000 when the second halving occurs, it would reach $170,000 in 2025. Still, Bitcoin has increased significantly since he said that. According to Scaramucci, the value of bitcoin is in the multi-trillions. He declared in September of last year that he was “remarkably bullish” on bitcoin for the next ten to twenty years.

How do you feel about the remarks made by Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of Skybridge? Tell us in the space provided for comments below.

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